Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Follow this link!

Hi, My beautiful and talented wife has started an incredibly interesting conversation on her blog:
Ask Team Ambiguity: Are Women Enslaved by Modern Motherhood?

Please take a few moments to check it out and participate in the conversation. The one thing to bear in mind is that this conversation has rules...mainly, be respectful! The rest can be found here


  1. You're both very talented and interesting people, Mike!

    1. Thank you! I really appreciate the very kind compliment!

  2. HI? I suspect you might have been bored by the average college course!

    1. I had a difficult time with most of the core academic classes. I enjoyed Physics & Calculus. I took an American History Class that was taught by a guy named Fred Harris. He was a fantastic teacher and his class was very engaging. I also liked Macro-economics, comparative religion Eastern & Western Philosophy, Spanish, World Literature and Modern Dance. Aside from that, I didn't do too well in college. I couldn't force myself into class. I wish I had though, it's had a negative impact on my career opportunities ever since.

  3. Awesome - I came, I went, I joined in the convers. Thanks!

    1. Thanks Ms. Writing Goddess! I really enjoyed that conversation and am looking forward to the feedback from this week's conversation, which doesn't include the topic of parenting but is equally controversial.

  4. Sounds as if the two of you are paired perfectly ( as little as I know of you via your words and what I read). Loved this sort of connection. A good friend of mine told me once, with great love, come conflict, but the best sort, intense and amazing conversations.

    1. We have some really fantastic conversations. Usually our conversations are the genesis of my sermon topics. Thanks for popping in to read and comment. I really enjoyed this post from my wife and the conversation that it generated!


Thanks for your comments! :-)
My wife says comments save fairies. I mostly just want to know that the traffic hits I get on my statistics aren't Russian Spam-Bots!